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Crooks and Castles were born in 2002 and the main focus was all about supporting the villain in everyday life, from movies, to comic's... etc. As a streetwear brand they drew their influences from the streets of L.A.


During the 80's and 90's the founders of Crooks and Castles, Dennis Calvero and Emil Soriano, were crooks themselves. They found another life style they got consumpt by, which was the streetwear movement. The guys set about learning the in's and out of the business, by starting Crooks and Castles. Using the knowledge they had gleened they set about trying to become multi-billionares and they portrayed their ideas through their clothing line.



The concept of Crooks and Castles is, "Crooks are the criminals, pimps, hustlers, thieves, etc. and the Castles were those who got rich by becoming a crook." That's referencing people such as Rockefeller, Cardnegie, Vanderbilts, and Bill Gates that stop at nothing to become multi-billionares, or Castles.

The brand continues to evolve with a fresh approach to cut and sew garments, constantly experimenting with new fabric combinations and developing new print techniques, the tongue in cheek attitude will always ensure something controversial and current.


The guys at Union Clothing understand that streetwear is all about standing a part from the crowd and not being like everyone else. Individuals who consider themselves to be a part of this style believes this through every fibre in them. Streetwear works really well with denim and is as urban as it gets, It's buying something that makes you feel a certain way when you see it and makes you want it no matter what the price is. 

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