Frantically searching for the next big coat? Trawling and trawling for layers on layers? Getting hot under the collar because of the lack of collar? Chillout man!
We've got the premium pieces to put the cold at bay, and this time it's a battle edition.
A long awaited return for a Union Clothing favourite, the Le Laboureur Wool Jacket lands in store again with oosing with raw class. Presented in brown and ecru, it's possibly one of the warmest styles available with its heavy woollen weave.
If winter has got you in survival mode, Edwin's got you covered. Decked in military olive patchwork across the pair, the Survival Jacket and Tactical Vest will ensure all that are bestowed with it's ode to military thrifting are covered in contrasting quilt warmth and multi pocket utilitarian exellence.
The styles synonymous with the Carhartt story, Detroit and Michigan. Worn by celebs and plumbers alike, there's a reason both styles have been in production for decades. Heavy canvas clad with robust fleece lining. These will probably age better than you will.